Research Platform on Belarusian Contemporary Art
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militarism / war
Mikhail Gulin
All Cats Go to Heaven, But Only After Death
2022, painting. 40 x 120 cm, acrylic on canvas, markers
Uladzimir Pazniak (Ul Paźniak)
2021, installation, sculpture, painting. The installation is an inflatable sculpture "Dandelion" and a graphite inscription on the wall "We'll Just Die, and They Will Go to Heaven"
Tasha Katsuba
Warrior of Love
2023, performance. 18.01.2023 / 19:00 – 20:00
Sergey Shabohin
Friendship Mound (Three Sisters)
2019, painting
Nastasy Gancharova
"...солдатами умирают" (с)
2017, sculpture
1+1=1, Mikhail Gulin, Antanina Slabodchykava
2023, video installation
Uladzimir Hramovich
All That is Forgotten is Buried in the Ground
2023, installation. Print on a banner, dimensions variable
Mikhail Gulin
Heaven won't take everyone
2022, painting. Diameter 60 cm, acrylic on canvas
Ales Pushkin
Пэндзлі замест аўтаматаў
2016, action
Pavel Gavrilenko
We are with you again!
1943, poster
Alexandr Adamov
Double Cross
2023, sculpture. Wood, acrylic, putty, silicone adhesive, charcoal
Sergey Shabohin
Tectonic Plates: Twilight of Freedom
2022, painting, collage. Paper, acrylic, digital printing on self-adhesive film, handmade collage, A1 x 12
Mikhail Savitsky
The Guerrilla Madonna
1978, painting
Alexander Veledzimovich
2017, art book. 19,41 × 19,44 см. Тираж: 6 экземпляров (4 экземпляра в частных коллекциях Беларуси и Польши, 1 книга в коллекции Народного Центра Культуры Польши)
Oxana Gourinovitch
Memorials of World War II in the Center of Minsk
2011, graphics. Диаграмма. Бумага, карандаш
Alexander Veledzimovich
Julia (Portrait With a Gun)
2014, photo. Витебск
Who Except Us
Fool Moon
2023, painting. 202 x 164.5 cm, oil on canvas
Vital Razhkou (Bismarck / Kalgin), Bismarck
The Call of War
2007, action, video documentation. Вiталь Калгiн (Бiсмарк): вiдэадакументацыя акцыi "Гуканне вайны", 2007
Igor Savchenko
2021, photo. Цифровая фотография, ноябрь 2021
Sergey Shabohin
Atlas of Tectonic Landscapes: Through the Eclipse Corridor
2023, video. 23’56”
Volha Savich
The Alphabet of War
2015, collage. Фотографический коллаж
Aliaksandr Danilkin
Straw Bomb
2024, object. approximately 90x40x40cm, straw
Uladzimir Pazniak (Ul Paźniak)
Sculpture 6704476
2014, sculpture, video, promotion. Резьба по дереву размерами 25 х 93 х 2 см,16:9 видео, 515'00"
Who Except Us
The Hunt of the Unicorn
2023, painting. 202 x 286.7 cm, oil on canvas
Andrey Anro
Funeral Table (Kanun)
2022 – 2023, installation, sculpture. Full size: 112 x 115,5 x 31,7 сm. Wax, burnt wood, threads3d modelling for soldier form: Alexandr Adamov
Tasha Katsuba
Candidate of Faith
2023, video. 2'31"
Gleb Burnashev
We Will Make a Human Out of You
2021, video, performance. 0'58"
Pavel Voinitski
Voice, Breath and Gaze of Modern Man
2017, object, sculptur. Скульптурный триптих. Стекло, противогазы, страницы из журналов. 36 × 44 × 38 см
Uladzimer Akulau
1989, painting. Oil on fiberboard. 88 х 67 см. From Andrew Plesanov’s collection.
Sergey Hrynevych
Echelon with "humanitarian"
2022, painting