Research Platform on Belarusian Contemporary Art
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Виктор Дмитриевский
Destroyed Minsk
1900, painting. Oil on canvas, 35 x 23.6 cm, year approx
Alexander Ksendzov
Lady with a fan
2000, painting. Oil on canvas, 55 x 46 cm
Mikhail Gulin
Personal Monument
2012, action, sculptur. 9 октября 2012Акция, серия городских интервенций, фотодокументацияТри розовых куба из фанеры (40 × 40 см. каждый) и желтый параллелепипед (120 × 40 см.)
Gleb Burnashev
In August 2020
2020, intervention, photo. Минск. След от светошумовой гранаты, картонное лекало, мел
Akselrod Meer
Old Minsk
1934, painting. Oil on canvas, 71 x 74.5 cm
Lev Leitman
Minsk landscape
1953, painting. Paper, watercolor
Борис Дмитриев
Minsk. Square named after Yanka Kupala
1960, painting. Oil on cardboard, 42.5 x 54 cm
Igor Savchenko
Двадцать семь секунд. Практикум демиурга
2010, concept work, текстуальное произведение. Опыт предопределения событий в пределах ограниченной территории и в течение ограниченного времени
Pavel Gavrilenko
Minsk. Moscow street
1936, painting. Canvas, oil
Aliaxandra Dyatlova
Portrait of N. Trukhanova as Peri based on Leon Bakst
2009, sculpture. Colored porcelain, glaze, gold and platinum painting, height — 100 cm
Pavel Gavrilenko
Minsk. Government House
1940, graphics
Alexander Shappo
2013, monument. Monument to the victims of the war 1941−1945, memorial mass grave.Dzerzhinsky Ave. Minsk. Belarus. Architect L. Levin, G. Levina, A. Kopylov.
Kanstantsin Kastsuchenka
2020, sculpture. Bronze sculpture three meters high, consists of fragments of images of 10 smaller coins. The banknotes displayed on it belong to different countries and eras, but they have one thing in common - they were all in circulation on the territory of Belarus. The oldest shown coin is the Arab…
Ala Savasheviсh
When a Monument Becomes a Landscape
2017, sculptur. Падлогавае пакрыццё, мальберт, фатаграфія (лічбавы друк, 35 x 20 см.)
Kanstantsin Kastsuchenka
Memory gate
2015, sculpture. On the bronze doors of the gate, figures of 29 tortured prisoners of the death camp are depicted woven into barbed wire. The monument has a height of about 10 meters and a weight of more than 35 tons.
Alexander Kishchenko
1975, мозаика. Минск, улица Сухая, 2
Anatoly Artimovich
1979, sculpture. Bas-relief on the building of the House of Models in Minsk.
Algerd Maliszewski
Old Minsk
1965, painting. Oil on cardboard, 47.5 x 70 cm
Oxana Gourinovitch
Memorials of World War II in the Center of Minsk
2011, graphics. Диаграмма. Бумага, карандаш
Aliaxandra Dyatlova
1981, sculpture. 5 pieces, chamotte, glaze salts, maximum height - 70 cm
Alexey Velikjanin
The Silver Age
1997, object. Кеды, аквариум, фольга, вода
Victor Markovets
Вечер на Замковой улице в Минске
1977, painting
Mikhail Gulin
2021, installation
Oxana Gourinovitch
Minsk Panel Microdistricts of the 1970s
2015, graphics. ДиаграммаБумага, карандаш
Big Creature
2017, public artwork, sculptur. В рамках фестиваля Vulica Brasil
Sergey Shabohin
Practices of Subordination: Score
2020, collage. Графическое панно. Размер варьируется
Valeriana Zholtok
Китайские дети в гостях у минских пионеров
1950, painting. Холст, масло, 146 х 130 см
Adam Hlobus
Ноч. Мінск. Траецкае
2018, painting. Папера, акрыл 21 х 30 см.
Andrei Liankevich
2004, photo. Документальная фотография
Siarhei Rusak (Izium)
Граф Чапский на стене
2015, street art. Belarusian-Brazilian festival of street art — Vulica Brasil