eng Automatic Translation


Katerina Kouzmitcheva February 2 – 27, 2024
Galeria fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Biala
Galeria fotografii B&B, 1 Maja Street, 43-300, Bielsko-Biala, Poland

Associated Documents

Selected Artwork Series

The exhibition is arranged in such a way that in three separate rooms of the B&B Gallery photographs of different types are presented. In the first hall, the viewer examines portraits of individual refugees or groups of several people. The photographs depict young children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. In the photographs presented in the second room, the author shows the state of the move, which has been going on for a year, a certain chaos and human drama. In turn, in the works placed in the third room there are no longer people, there is only space, which is now home.

The artist emphasizes that migration can one day affect each of us.

- The stay of refugees in shelters is a unique and dramatic moment in their lives. Time seems to have frozen for them, they are between heaven and earth, not knowing their fate, yearning for loved ones and a quick return home,” she comments. - In my project I think about the emotional state that accompanies migration. Emotions are an inner world, they exist in each of us, they do not need words and translations, they become close and, in a sense, can constitute a universal language of communication. My focus is on everyday life in new conditions, adaptation and integration, supporting new residents and at the same time their pain.