eng Automatic Translation

Anthropology of Easter

Masha Mаroz 2023
Installation: sound, video, coals, clay pots, eggs (Glogau Air (open studios), Berlin, Germany).

Human time is part of the sacred, and it is always on the edge of cyclicity and linearity. Holidays are the main points of the annual calendar cycle. In ancient times, the New Year began in the spring, which was considered the "descent of the year."

Belarusian spring holidays are more numerous than holidays of other seasons. The main one is Easter. As light is born from darkness, so the unmanifested becomes manifest, the old and eternal - small and temporary, the wise and experienced - pure and open.

All the material and immaterial components of the Easter celebration complex in the Polesie region of Belarus testify to the preserved deep understanding of the inextricable connection of various forms of life and the correspondence of opposing systems of knowledge about the structure of the world.