eng Automatic Translation

Haim Soutine (Chaïm Soutine)

1893 – 1943
фотопортрет Хаима Сутина

Painter. Lived and worked in France.

He was one of the greatest masters of the Paris School. His portraits of different years combine characters shown in different psychological states. He was primarily a colorist.

There were no works by Chaim Soutine in Belarus until 2012, but as part of the program to return the School of Paris to Belarus, Belgazprombank acquired "Large meadows in Chartres, near the viaduct." In 2013, Eva added to the bank's corporate collection. It is considered the most expensive painting in Belarus, included in the state list of historical and cultural values. In 2020, many of the gallery's paintings were arrested, including "Eva". The painting has become a symbol of protest and solidarity.

The artist lived and worked in Paris.

Selected events

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents


Selected dates:


Born in Smilovichi , Minsk Governorate (Russian Empire, today Minsk Region of the Republic of Belarus).


He ran away from home to Minsk, as his parents did not support his son regarding the future profession of an artist. There he attended Yakov Kruger's drawing school .


Soutine and his friend Mikhail Kikoin traveled to Vilna where they enrolled in the School of Fine Arts . Future artists dreamed of seeing Paris.


Came to Paris, where he began his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts . However, the artist very quickly got tired of the too "academic" approach of the Academy. He began to work independently, preferring the genres of still life and portraiture. He visited the Louvre, where he studied the recognized works of the classics of painting. Soutine was interested in music and literature. The first years in Paris, the artist lived in poverty, worked in La Ruche, Houllier, where Soutine met many artists and sculptors.


He met and became friends with Amedeo Modigliani, who played a big role in shaping the individual painting style of the young artist, stylistically and conceptually close to expressionism .


He brought to Paris about 200 written works , 50 of which were bought by the American collector Barnes. Ten years after arriving in Paris, he climbed out of poverty and spent everything he earned.


The first personal exhibition of Soutine was organized in one of the Parisian galleries. He will meet Marcellin and Madeleine Castaing, who have taken custody of the artist.


The artist's works were exhibited in the United States for the first time as part of a collective exhibition in Chicago. Then he also exhibited in New York, London, Washington.


An exhibition of 12 paintings by the artist was organized at the Petit Palais Museum in Paris as part of the collective exhibition "Masters of Independent Art 1895-1937" .

August 9, 1943

He died in Nazi-occupied Paris. At the funeral behind the coffin of Soutine there were only a few closest friends, including Pablo Picasso and Jean Cocteau. He was buried in Paris at the Montparnasse cemetery.

  • 2020

  • In connection with the events in the country, 146 paintings of the "Art-Belarus" gallery were arrested . This caused great resentment in the cultural community. Two days after the incident, the Art-Belarus gallery opened with QR codes on the walls instead of paintings - everyone sent them to a site where they could see the work. On July 1, the performance "Property" was held here. About 20 cultural figures attached images of paintings to T-shirts and stood all day near the places where these paintings used to hang. The idea of the action belongs to Nadezhda Sayapina.

  • Soutine's painting "Eve" has become a symbol of peaceful protest. A flash mob #evolution started on social networks, where artists, and then other users, began to massively replicate the image. She appeared on T-shirts, bags, avatars on social networks, souvenirs.

  • Today "Eva" is "free" again and has taken its place in the "Art-Belarus" gallery.