eng Automatic Translation

Michel Kikoine

1892 – 1968

Being engaged in painting, Mikhail Kikoin preferred the genres of landscape, still life and portrait. Less often he wrote nudes and plot compositions. Kikoin's artistic style demonstrates the study of the experience of various areas of European art of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century, and, above all, post-impressionism, symbolism and expressionism. Many of his paintings are heavily influenced by the works of Chaim Soutine.

The works of Mikhail Kikoin are in private and museum collections in France, the USA, Japan, Israel, Russia and many other countries of the world. The corporate collection of JSC "Belgazprombank" includes six paintings by the artist. All of them are included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus.

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Associated Documents


Selected dates:

May 14, 1892

Born in Gomel, Mogilev province (Russian Empire, today Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus). Soon the family moved to the city of Rezhitsa, Vitebsk province (now the city of Rezekne in Latvia).


We moved to Minsk .


He studied at a commercial school in Minsk, and at the same time attended classes at the private art school of Yakov Kruger , where he met and became friends with Chaim Soutine.


He moved to Vilna and entered the Vilna Drawing School (together with Soutine). In Vilna, Kikoin and Soutine met Pinkhus Kremen, which grew into a long-term friendship.


He moved to France, to Paris , where he settled in "Hive" ("La Ruche"), the famous commune house. For several months he attended classes at the Paris National Higher School of Fine Arts in the workshop of Fernand Cormon. However, the artistic environment of Montparnasse, rapprochement with Amedeo Modigliani, Marc Chagall, and others, as well as acquaintance with masterpieces of world classical art in Parisian museums, had a much greater influence on the formation of Kikoin.


He took part in exhibitions of the Autumn Salon and the Salon of Independents.


In Paris, the Cheron Gallery hosted Kikoin's first solo exhibition .


Received French citizenship . Exhibition at the Netter Gallery, L. Zborovsky.

1925, 1927, 1929, 1947

Exhibitions at New York's Brummer Gallery.


Bought a house in the village of Anne-sur-Seren in Burgundy, where he went to work for many years.

“In Anna-sur-Seren, under the mocking glances of the Burgundians, I paced the hills and plains, armed to the teeth with canvases, brushes and paints,” the artist recalled. “The girls posed for me on the river bank ... The days flew by quickly, too quickly, like this always waiting for a miracle."


Exhibition at the Bernheim Gallery.


An exhibition at the École de Paris , an exhibition at the S. Lesniсk gallery and an exhibition "Modern French Art".


Exhibition at the Billiet–Worms Gallery.


"Exhibition of Russian Art" in the gallery "d'Alignan".


Exhibition at Ersild Gallery.


"Exhibition of Russian Artists" at the Zak Gallery.


He was drafted into the French Army , serving in a reserve regiment in Soissons. After the surrender of France in 1940, Kikoin was demobilized and returned to Paris.


Hiding from the Nazis , he lived with his family in the vicinity of Toulouse.


Returned to creativity. He took part in the exhibition of the Council for the Arrangement of Jews and the " Exhibition of Contemporary Russian Painters and Sculptors ".

1945, 1947, 1948, 1958

He exhibited works at the Tuileries Salon in Paris.


Exhibition in Montpellier .


Exhibition in Paris at the K. Granoff Gallery.


The artist made several trips to Spain, Italy, Great Britain; in 1950, 1953 and 1958 he visited Israel, where several of his exhibitions were held.


Exhibition in Menton .

1951, 1956

Exhibitions in Strasbourg .

1951, 1955, 1959, 1963

Exhibitions in London .


Published an album of color lithographs "Children of Israel" . Exhibition "Russian Immigrant Artists in Paris" at the Redfern Gallery.


Exhibition in Bordeaux .

1957, 1960, 1961, 1962

He exhibited works in the salon of famous and young artists .


Exhibition in Paris at the Obelisk Gallery. Exhibition "Soutine and his circle" .


Exhibition "Russian Artists of the Paris School" , "Soutine, Modigliani and Their Time" in the Galliera Gallery.


Exhibition in New York at the N. Glaezer Gallery.


Exhibition in Paris at the J. Shalom Gallery.


The painting "Love is the source of life" was awarded the first prize of the "Salon of Artists-Witnesses of Our Time".


Exhibition in Saint-Paul-de-Vence .

November 4, 1968

The artist died in Paris .