eng Automatic Translation

Maxim Tyminko

фото Анны Шарко

Media artist, curator. Member of the Revision group.

Web developer, co-founder of the visual resistance online platform in Belarus, co-developer of the archive and research platform of Belarusian contemporary art

Maxim Tyminko creates dynamic technically complex video and multi-media projects.

Lives and works in Amsterdam.


Selected events

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:


Born in Chernigov (Ukraine).

Maxim Tyminko is known to the viewer for a number of works, including 939 Picture Elements, Bolek & Lolek Cosmos. Constructor Manifesto, Five Lyrical Songs about Physics, but still the artist's key multimedia work can be called the operatic mono-performance Beguiling Orpheus.

In his media projects, the artist often refers to the topic of modern physics. For example, he assembled a choir of Belarusian artists and curators, and filmed a five-song concert, including one about string theory and set theory. The work Beguiling Orpheus is an opera in which the performer sings against the backdrop of a complex video projection, transferring the plot of the classic opera Orfeo ed Euridice to the neo-baroque media space.

In the new work 939 Picture Elements, the artist, using computer technology, reproduced his dynamic image with color cards in his hands, recreating the image of a sports spectator stand, where the artist changes cards in the form of crowds of spectators. The work was shown in Minsk as part of the Ice Hockey World Championship, ironically commenting on the role of citizens as a tool in the hands of the propaganda apparatus in Belarus.

Together with Andrei Dureiko, he curated a major exhibition "ZBOR. Movement of Belarusian Art", which was held in Kyiv in the spring of 2016 at the IZOLYATSIA Foundation. For this exhibition, the artist has prepared a spectacular giant two-hour projection.

Artist 's personal website