eng Automatic Translation

Vitebsk Square: An Artistic Study of the Nonconformist Movement of Artists in Vitebsk and Minsk (1987–2000)

Alexandr Maley 2015
Signed for publication on 15.08.2015. Format 70 x 100 1/16. Offset paper. The press is digital. Conv. oven l. 26.97. Uch.-ed. l. 31.05. Circulation 200 copies. Publishing Center UE "Econompress". ISBN 978-985-7051-20-5

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The author in the historical and biographical genre explores the historical events of the 80s and 90s of the last century, which changed the world, society and art. The conflict of ideology and art, which had been brewing in the bowels of a totalitarian state for decades, broke out in the "perestroika" years. The non-conformist struggle of artists emerged from the underground and took the form of a movement. Artists created unofficial (informal) associations and collectively defended their rights and the rights of art. The book explores the unofficial movement of artists in Vitebsk and Minsk. The protagonist of the story is the Vitebsk creative association "Kvadrat", the spiritual successor of UNOVIS, an association created by K. Malevich in 1920 in Vitebsk.