Presentations of works by Belarusian artists living in Poland.
November 13, 2023 (Monday)
November 20, 2023 (Monday)
November 27, 2023 (Monday)
18:00 – 20:00
Biuro Wystaw / Foundation for Polish Contemporary Art
Krakowskie Przedmieście Street 16/18, room 4, Warsaw
Center for Dialogue named after Juliusz Mieroszewskiego (Centrum Dialogu im. Juliusza Mieroszewskiego)
Foundation for Polish Contemporary Art (Fundacja Polskiej Sztuki Nowoczesnej)
Legal assistance:
Nowak Świrski Legal Business Partners
A series of three presentations-meetings presenting the work of Belarusian contemporary artists currently living in Poland.
3 curators and 12 invited Belarusian artists will give presentations in 15–20 minute performances.
Meetings will be open to the public.
Each meeting will begin with a lecture, which provides a brief introduction to Belarusian art in Poland, as well as a presentation of selected artists by the curator.
The remainder of the meeting will feature 4 guest artists presenting their work in 15–20 minute talks. As part of the self-presentation, each artist will show, among other things, one of her own works, which will become the starting point of her statement.
Presentations will be multimedia.
The first day:
November 13, 2023
Introductory lecture
Up to 30 minutes
Vera Zalutskaya – curator of contemporary art, editor of BLOK magazine. President of the GESSEL Foundation for the National Museum in Warsaw and the GESSEL Foundation for Zachęta – National Art Gallery. Mainly interested in the art of Central and South-Eastern Europe in the context of post-colonial studies. Graduate of European Humanities University in Vilnius (specialty: Theory and practice of contemporary art) and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Cultural studies: comparative study of civilizations and history of art, curatorial specialization). Lives and works in Warsaw.
Vera Zalutskaya will present the work of artists of Belarusian origin in Poland:
© Viktar Aberamok: Kruzka, 2023
Viktar Aberamok – artist, works in collage technique. Lives and works in Warsaw.
© Ksenia Gryckiewicz: Whispers II, 2023
Ksenia Gryckiewicz – artist, works in painting techniques. Lives and works in Krakow.
© Uladzimir Hramovich: Learning to Defeat, 2019 – 2021
Uladzimir Hramovich – artist. Member of the group Problem Collective . Lives and works in Berlin and Gdansk.
© Veronika Ivashkievich: Untitled, 2020
Veronika Ivashkievich – artist. Works with watercolors. Lives and works in Warsaw.
© Lesia Pcholka: Sunset over a Swamp, 2020 – 2022
Lesia Pcholka – artist, archivist, photographer. The creator and director of the social archive of vernicular photography by Belarusian VEHA . Lives and works in Berlin and Gdansk.
© Ala Savashevich: When Edges Jab Harder, 2022
Ala Savasheviсh – artist. He works in sculpture and installation. Often appropriates images and materials from fashion and politics. Lives and works in Wroclaw.
© Masha Svyatogor: Everybody Strike!, 2020
Masha Svyatogor – artist, works with photography and collage. Lives and works in Minsk, Germany and Poland.
© Sergey Shabohin: We are Stern Consumers of Cultural Revolutions, 2012–2021
Sergey Shabohin – artist, curator, author of texts about art. Co-founder and editor-in-chief of the research platform for contemporary Belarusian art KALEKTAR , founder and chief editor of the portal Art Aktivist . Lives and works in Poznan and Berlin.
Self-presentation of the artist:
Each person: 15–20 minutes
Gleb Burnashev
The author of videos and new media installations, touches on the topics of emigration, war and dictatorship. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Alexey Lunev
Visual artist, deals with emancipatory and queer themes. Lives and works in Poznań.
Tasha Katsuba
A visual artist, she creates work at the intersection of art and fashion. Lives and works in Gdansk.
Maxim Sarychau
Photographer, author of conceptual photo projects, creator of a photo magazine. Lives and works in Wroclaw.
Second day:
November 20, 2023
Introductory lecture
Up to 30 minutes
Volha Arkhipava – art historian, curator, cultural specialist. From 1998 to 2022 she was the curator of the department of Belarusian art of the 20th and 21st centuries Belarusian National Arts Museum . She was the curator of the collection Belarusian Painting and completed more than 50 curatorial projects – from thematic exhibitions to monographic exhibitions. Selected projects: The Fate of the Artist – exhibition dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Mikhail Filippovich (2021); Universe Jazep Drazdovič – exhibition dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the artist (2018); Belarusian Abstractionism (2012); Belarusian Avant-Garde of the 1980s and 1990s from the private collection Andrey Plesanov (2010); Western Belarus in Art (2009). Lives and works in Poznań.
Olga will present the work of artists of Belarusian origin in Poland:
© Bergamot: Flight, 2020
Group Bergamot (Volha Maslouskaya and Raman Tratsiuk ) – the most common area of their activity is performance. They live and work in Poznań.
© Jana Shostak: A Minute of Shouting for Belarus, 2020–2021
Jana Shostak is a visual artist who works, among other things, with themes of emigration and identity. Lives and works in Warsaw.
© Uladzimir Pazniak (Ul Paźniak): Sculpture 6704476, 2014
Uladzimir Pazniak (Ul Paźniak) is a visual artist who deals with issues of conceptual art and freedom. Lives and works in Szczecin.
Self-presentation of the artist:ts
Each person: 15–20 minutes
Alexandr Adamov
Visual artist, set designer. He deals, among other things, with the themes of emigration and identity. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Daria Semchuk (Сemra)
The artist often presents performances next to her paintings. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Viktoryia Hrabennikava
Visual artist who works on issues of queerness and feminism. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Anastasia Rydlevskaya
A visual artist, she creates paintings and masks at the intersection of art and fashion. Lives and works in Gdansk.
Day three:
November 27, 2023
Introductory lecture
Up to 30 minutes
Olga Klip – curator, cultural manager. Her curatorial practice aims to reintegrate art into everyday life and overcome elitism in art institutions. Her main work in this regard is a series of exhibitions in which any artist can take part. Olga Klip works with underrepresented artists, especially in situations of cultural exclusion, which may result from the center-periphery dichotomy or restrictions practiced by cultural institutions. She is a scholarship holder of the Staromejsk Cultural Center and leads the artist portfolio management project. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Olga will present the work of artists of Belarusian origin in Poland:
© Maria-Elena Bonet: MY RIVER HERBARIUM, 2016–2020
Maria-Elena Bonet – the artist addresses current events, placing them in historical context, and uses historical photographic techniques and modern media to interpret the phenomena around her.
© Nasta Burko: Dialogue, 2021
Nasta Burko – the themes of her works are family memory and continuity. She turns to childhood memories, reinterpreting them in the context of growing up and motherhood. In her work he turns to traditional Belarusian motifs.
© Alya Chlaba: #bielrekanstrucyja, 2020
Alya Chlaba – creates modern forms based on fairy tales and folklore motifs of Belarus and other cultures. She considers clothing an art form that involves close proximity and bodily contact with a person.
© Kanaplev+Leidik: Dad in the Phone, 2022–2023
The duet Kanaplev+Leidik – Julia Leidik and Evgene Kanaplev work in different genres – from commercial advertising to social photography. In their works they try to convey the psychological character of each character.
Self-presentation of the artist:ts
Each person: 15–20 minutes
Konstantin Muzhev
Sculptor, performer. In his speeches he often refers to modern social processes. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Karolina Poliakowa
Artist, photographer and video maker. Creates, among other things, collages and fabrics. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Nadya Sayapina
An interdisciplinary artist working in the field of socially engaged art, she uses herself/body as both a medium and a mediator. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Ilya Sprindzhuk
Artist. The author of paintings, graphics and installations, activities in the field of actionism and new media, in which he addresses the themes of presence, identity and the right to be heard. Lives and works in Warsaw.